This year, Hartalika Teej Vrat will be observed on September 6.
On this day, wives should also take special care of some rules.
Married women observe Hartalika Teej Vrat for a happy married life and the longevity of their husbands. This is a tough fast because women do not consume food, water and fruits from sunrise on Vrat’s day till sunrise on the other day. Apart from this difficult rule, women follow several other rules. On this day, husbands should also take special care of some rules. This year, Hartalika Teej Vrat will be observed on September 6.
Astrologer Shridhar Shastri from Haridwar told Local 18 that married women worship Shiva-Parvati on this day and wish for a long life for their husbands. They also observe a strict fast for them. On the other hand, married women should observe some special things on this day.
Don’t Get Angry:
Pandit Shridhar Shastri says that women who observe the Hartalika Teej fast should not get angry because otherwise the fast remains incomplete.
Don’t Break the Fast:
Women who take a vow to observe the fast of Hartalika Teej once should not break that fast. If they do so, the lucky women will get unfavourable results.
Don’t Sleep At Night:
On the day when Hartalika Teej is fasted, women are prohibited from sleeping on that night. As per the religious scriptures, women should stay awake in the night and recite the story and hymns of Lord Shiva, then they will get special benefits.
Don’t Fight With Your Husband:
Pandit Shridhar Shastri says that women who observe Hartalika Teej fast should not quarrel with their husbands. The husband is the form of God to whom this fast is dedicated. If women argue with their husbands during the fast, then they will get the favourable results of this fast.
Avoid Wearing Black:
Married women should avoid wearing black bangles and clothes on this auspicious day as black is associated with bad luck in Hinduism.
Don’t Insult Elders:
Women who observe the Hartalika Teej fast should take special care not to insult the elders. During this fast, insulting the elders is prohibited. If women do so, the fast will turn into the opposite.
Listen To The Story Of The Fast:
Married women should worship Goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha during this fast. If women do not worship any of these three, their fast is considered incomplete.
Maintain Purity:
Before performing Haritalika fast, special care must be taken to maintain purity. Half of the fast is completed only by maintaining purity during the fast because Lakshmi and God reside only in purity. If there is no purity during the fast, then the fruits of the fast will not be achieved.
No Consumption Of Milk: Pandit Shridhar Shastri says that women observing the fast of Hartalika Teej should not consume milk. The belief is that consuming milk during the Hartalika fast leads to the next birth as a snake.
Consumption Of Fruits Is Prohibited: Women who are fasting should not eat fruits on this day. If women eat fruit during this fasting period, they will go into the monkey’s vagina during the next birth.