Suriya‘s film Kanguva was initially set for release on October 10, which meant that it would clash with Rajinikanth‘s Vettaiyan at the box office. Earlier there were reports that the makers of Kanguva were deciding on postponing the film to avoid releasing it on the same date. Suriya has broken his silence on this issue, as he appeared for the audio launch of Karthi-Prem Kumar’s Meiyazhagan, which is backed by Suriya and Jyotika under their banner 2D Entertainment, The actor shared that Vettaiyan should release first. (Also read: Rajinikanth’s Vettaiyan to clash with Suriya’s Kanguva, Alia Bhatt’s Jigra on Dussehra weekend)
What Suriya said
At the audio launch, Suriya said to loud cheers from the audience, “On October 10, Rajinikanth sir’s Vettaiyan is releasing. Respecting the Superstar’s 50-year legacy, and the fact that he has been entertaining us right from our birth, I think his film should come. He has been the identity of Tamil cinema, and I hope you will support my decision.”
‘Hard work will not go to waste’
Talking about Kanguva, Suriya also added, “Kanguva is the result of a lot of hard work of over 1000 people for 2.5 years to deliver a really special film for Tamil cinema. I believe that hard work will not go to waste. I believe you would give the love and respect the film deserves… I hope you support me, and make the birthday a celebration, almost like a festival. Your love and support is always needed.”
Vettaiyan is Rajinikanth’s 170th film, and features an ensemble cast including Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Ritika Singh, Manju Warrier, and Dushara Vijayan. It will reunite Rajinikanth and Amitabh 33 years after their 1991 Bollywood film, Hum.
Meanwhile, Kanguva is an epic action-saga and is considered one of the most ambitious projects of Kollywood. Kanguva is also the first Tamil film in Bobby Deol‘s career. He plays the antagonist Udhiran. Disha Patani also makes her Tamil debut with the film. The fantasy action-thriller also stars Natarajan Subramaniam, Jagapathi Babu, Yogi Babu, Redin Kingsley, Kovai Sarala, Anandaraj, Ravi Raghavendra, K. S. Ravikumar and B. S. Avinash in crucial roles.