Dangerous Android Malware Can Steal Data From Your Smartphone: What Can You Do? – News18

By Global News Today 3 Min Read

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This malware can become a major issue for Android users

Android malwares are becoming smarter and more powerful which makes it possible for them to bypass your phone’s security and steal data.

The Android malware threat is unlikely to go away anytime soon. In fact, these threats are becoming smarter and even more powerful than before. A new malware is able to bypass your phone’s security and steal data. Sounds scary? it sure does. The name of the malware is Snowblind that can evade the biometric and other forms of security on your phone and still manage to steal data from the apps.

Things get worse with the malware as it uses one of the crucial features on mobile devices and puts everyone at risk of possible data theft which the users cannot stop.

Snowblind Malware – What’s The Threat

The details about Snowblind and its risks have been highlighted by a security firm called Promon, quoted in this report. The expert claims that the malware is targeting apps that handle sensitive information from the users. In fact, the security feature built into Android is working in its favour, bypassing all the possible checks that are done to stop malicious apps from infecting our devices.

The malware is able to infect the apps before the checks are done, which means your device’s security is quickly bypassed, allowing the malware to do the dirty work. You also need to know that Snowblind can control and manipulate how the app checks are done, which means, your device might actually end up verifying the version which has not been infected with the malware.

Dangerous Android Malware Risks – What Users Show Know

The security firm has a stern warning for users, who need to be very careful of what they download on the phone and not access links from unknown sources. The behaviour of the malware suggests you won’t see any major performance changes or any hints of a possible intrusion. It is vital that you keep the Android version on the phones updated to the latest security patch and keep an eye out for any special fix offered by manufacturers every now and then.

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