A court in Delhi on Friday asked the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to serve a written notice before arrest to Congress MP Karti Chidambaram in connection with a fresh corruption case. The Congress MP is accused of providing relief to a liquor company against a ban on the duty-free sale of its liquor.
Special judge Kaveri Baweja directed Karti Chidambaram to join the investigation and cooperate with the agency whenever required. The judge was hearing Chidambaram’s anticipatory bail plea in the case.
“The investigating agency shall give three days written notice before the applicant in case his arrest is required after he joins the investigation of the case upon return to the country on January 12, 2025. The applicant shall join the investigation of the case upon his return to the country and cooperate in the process of investigation, as and when so required in accordance with law,” the judge said, according to PTI.
The CBI registered a fresh case of corruption against former finance minister P Chidambaram’s son and Congress MP, Karti Chidambaram, accusing him of providing relief to alcoholic beverage company Diageo Scotland over a ban on the duty-free sale of its whisky.
The CBI FIR said the case is linked to a suspicious payment made to Advantage Strategic Consulting Pvt. Ltd, “an entity controlled” by Karti P Chidambaram and his close aide S Bhaskararaman, by Diageo Scotland and Sequoia Capitals, reported PTI.
“Enquiry revealed that out of various proposals of FIPB enquired into, it was found that Diageo Scotland and Sequoia Capitals have suspiciously transferred funds to Advantage Strategic Consulting Pvt. Ltd., an entity controlled by Sh. Karti P Chidambaram and his close aide S Bhaskararaman,” it said.
In April 2005, India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), banned the sale of the Diageo Group’s duty-free products in India, which resulted in a huge loss to Diageo Scotland as 70 per cent of its business in India pertained to the sale of Johnnie Walker whisky.
The CBI alleged that the company had approached Karti Chidambaram to help it lift the ban. The firm allegedly paid 15000 US dollars to Advantage Strategic Consulting on the pretext of providing consultancy fees.
Chidambaram is an accused in the INX Media case. He was arrested in 2018 and is out on bail.
With inputs from PTI